
Our turnkey solutions for industry

We have developed many solutions which work reliably in harsh industrial environment. Please review our control systems and equipment for electroplating, multi-spot resistance welding machines, spot resistance welding machines, linear resistance welding machines, wire straighteners and industrial resistors.

Control system for multi-spot resistance welding machines, sterowanie dla zgrzewarek wielopunktowych, tyrystorowe regulatory zgrzewania
solutions for
welding machines
thyristor welding power and time controller, tyrystorowe regulatory zgrzewania dla zgrzewarek jednopunktowych
solutions for
welding machines
Control system for linear welding machines, sterowanie dla zgrzewarek liniowych, tyrystorowe regulatory zgrzewania
solutions for
linear welding machines
Electroplating automation, automatyka dla galwanizerni, anodowni, cynkowni, prostowniki impulsowe
solutions for
electroplating, anodising,
Industrial resistors, rezystory przemysłowe, oporniki
solutions for
industrial resistors
Control system for wire straighteners, sterowanie dla prostowarek do drutu
solutions for
wire straighteners